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Overcoming ADHD to Restore Focus and Self Control

Overcoming ADHD

Overcoming ADHD

Learning to Gain Mastery of Your Mind By Overcoming ADHD

What you’ll learn

  • Learn to enhance their focusing ability, stay on task and lower their stress levels to feel more at relaxed and at peace to think clearer and make better decisions
  • Use epigenetics to activate their DNA to provide the missing neurotransmitters contributing to the ADD/ADHD disorders
  • Enhance their wellness health and immunity levels by rewiring the brain by creating empowering new neural networks


  • Basic Knowledge of English. (Subtítulos en español están disponibles para este curso)
  • Own a Laptop or PC
  • Be familiar with the field of the mind and some awareness of different therapeutic approaches that address different aspects of the ego, subconscious and unconscious minds and some of the many ways to address them


The inability to focus, be happy or feel relaxed has become epidemic in our country resulting in the devastating consequences of chronic disorders and dysfunction. The stress from widespread family instability, economic uncertainties, poor diets and the bombardment of information  over-stimulating our nervous systems, is causing widespread suffering. Biologically this occurs from ischemia and inflammation in the cardiovascular system known as Tension Myositis Syndrome. The parasympathetic and immune systems are shut down while the body produces increased levels of adrenaline, cortisol and blood sugar. The feel good and health promoting bio-chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and gaba are disrupted. This combines to create anxiety, depression and attention disorders while predisposing individuals to stress related illnesses form heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

What if it was possible to begin to correct the underlying causes of these symptoms and access whatever biochemical substances are needed to feel good or focus by having one’s prescription filled from one’s inner pharmacy? Can you imagine how health care costs could dramatically decline and millions of lives be improved by integrating this one idea into our society? This is the vision and intent of this course


Who this course is for:

  • Individuals with a poor ability to concentrate and organize their life Individuals wanting to reduce their stress levels or interested parties or professionals helping others improve the quality of their life by helping reduce stress levels
  • Indivuals wanting to turn on their silenced genes to get the missing neurotransmitters contributing to their disorder
  • Distracted students and adults unable to stay on task
  • Individuals wanting to reduce their stress levels or interested parties or professionals helping others improve the quality of their life by helping reduce stress levels


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